If you look at the returns on unique assets like stocks, bonds, and real estate, you'll find that these are typically not highly correlated to commodities. By adding commodities to your portfolio, you diversify it and reduce the likelihood that the value of all your holdings will decline at the same time. This is great news when stocks are volatile and fall. It also makes perfect sense: products are another "basket" and you diversify by not "putting all your eggs in one basket." If you are an investment guru like Warren Buffett, there is no need to worry about this. For everyone else, diversification is simply a requirement. Since not all assets zigzag at the same time, this protects your portfolio from the inevitable market dips. Participating in the commodities market used to be a challenge . Either you had to be a wealthy person (due to the high minimum investment required to open an account) or you had to be familiar and familiar with commodity futures trad...
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